Comprehensive and personalized property management
When evaluating a service, it is important not only to consider the final result but also the process from start to finish. We believe that clients seek a property manager who is involved with the community, with clear and constant communication, who can provide a personalized response to each situation, and who uses all available means to reduce unnecessary extra costs.
By developing our activities in this way, we know that your trust, credibility, and satisfaction with our work are guaranteed.
Ultimately, our mission is to create communities where both the president and the residents only need to worry about essential matters, leaving us in charge of all tasks related to management.

Homeowners' Meetings
- Call for regular and extraordinary meetings.
- Full availability to attend any necessary extraordinary meetings.
- Drafting and sending of Minutes.
- Safekeeping of documentation and maintenance of official records.

Economic Management
- Study and preparation of the Annual Budget.
- Management of collections, including the issuance, processing, and tracking of community receipts.
- Advice on processing official grants that the community may benefit from.

Accounting Management
- Preparation of accounting through software support.
- Free access to the account status via our website.
- Sending of the annual financial summary (letter, email).
- Transparent management of the treasury.

Third-Party Contracts
- Search and comparison of as many quotes as necessary to improve contracted services without compromising quality.
- We do not accept commissions.
- Preparation of contracts, payroll, and registration in Social Security for the community's contracted personnel.

Debt Collection Management
- Monitoring of outstanding debts through our legal service, seeking both judicial and extrajudicial solutions to protect the community's interests.

Additional Services
- Mobile phone available 24/7, year-round.
- Monthly visits to the building to ensure its proper condition.
- Legal, tax, and labor advice available for community-related matters.
- Professional liability insurance up to €300,506.05.
Sites of Interest
Lacua, in its mission to keep its clients informed, provides the following links and websites for free access.